Career Resources To Help You During The Coronavirus Pandemic

We’re living in unprecedented times. The Coronavirus has affected all of us in one way or another. It’s caused us to “shelter at home,” kept us from our favorite restaurants and gyms, and second-guess normal activities like grocery shopping and shaking hands. It has taken life as we know it and flipped it on its head. For some of us, this includes impacting our careers.

For those who aren’t able to work from home or aren’t deemed an essential employee, they’ve felt the impacts the most. They’re at home, not working, have been furloughed, or worse laid off. It’s a scary and overwhelming time.

I put together a few resources to help you if you find yourself reevaluating your job during these trying times. Check out my latest for Career Contessa if you need to learn how to apply for unemployment or find yourself wondering how to pivot when your employment changes.

I hope you’re staying safe and staying healthy!

Let me know how you’re doing in the comments below or shoot me an email at

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