What I've Been Up To These Past Few Months


Hi there. It’s me! Long time no talk. I mean…like really long time.

You’re probably wondering what I’ve been up to since I’ve been MIA pretty much all year. Well, a lot’s been happening. I mentioned this past spring that I was starting a new job, so here’s a update.

Back in March, I FINALLY took the leap and accepted a full-time marketing role! *jumps for joy*

If you’ve been following my story, you know that my education is in Accounting and I’ve been writing and blogging for about three and half years now. I’ve been following my passions and working really hard to gain enough experience to make a career transition to pursue my interests. This has meant a lot of hustle, grit, and stressful moments.

Earlier this year, I got to a point where I just couldn’t take the mundaneness of my work I had been doing for three years. I was itching for a change. And so the job search began.

A lot of resume and cover letter edits and a few interviews later, I landed my current role at Black Wednesday, a local Marketing and Public Relations company.

I was estatic.

I’ve been a huge fan of Black Wednesday for years and really admire the work they do, so to join the team was a dream come true. As a Social Media and Marketing Coordinator, I manage the day-to-day social media channels for multiple clients and get to do really cool things for local Charlotte companies.

It’s meant not only doing work that I love and fully diving into the marketing and social media world, but it’s meant that my years of hard work have finally paid off.

While it was a no brainer that I wanted to take the role, it wasn't a decision that was made lightly. I had a to make a lot of personal changes and decide how I’d make taking the job work for me and my little family (ahem, I’m talking money). Leaving a comfortable corporate job to work at a local start up meant losing benefits and the security that came with a working for large company. But after crunching numbers and lots of conversations with my husband, we figured out how to make it work.

As I’ve been adjusting to my new role and new life as a marketer, I’ve put writing and blogging on the back burner. I haven’t had the head space to focus on anything other than my day job. When you work in social media, you’re always on, so it’s been an adjustment for sure.

I’ve already learned so much these past few months and I look forward to continuing to grow. I finally feel like I’m beginning to catch my groove and have head space to get back to what got me started on this journey in the first place—writing.

Which is why I’m here writing this blog post. I’m working on big things and am excited to bring you more regular content.

So while I work on planning content, I’d love to hear from you! What do you want to read and learn more about? Shoot me an email with your thoughts (or just to say hi!) at hi@danielledoolen.com.

And a big thank you to you for going on this journey with me! It’s because of people like you that read my work that I get excited to do what I do. It’s all about the conversations we have and connections we make. Seriously, you’re the best.

Be on the lookout for more blog posts coming soon, and as always, you can keep up with me (or lets be real, my dogs) on Instagram at @danielledoolen. And if you want updates in your inbox, be sure to sign up for my newsletter.

See you soon!