Farewell, 2018.

2018 flew by in the blink of an eye.

When I stop and take a minute to reflect on everything that happened in 2018, it brought a lot of cool things, like love and travel and accomplishments.

Here are a few from the highlight reel:

I experienced Walt Disney World for the first time.

My husband and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary.

I tried aerial (and loved it!)

I ran twelve races in twelve months.

I gave up coffee for 30 days.

I traveled to Savannah, GA.

And Greenville, SC.

Work For Your Beer turned 2!

My sister moved to Charlotte (finally!).

Between my blog, Work For Your Beer, and freelancing, I wrote 75 articles.

I can’t wait to see what 2019 has in store. What are you looking forward to most in 2019?